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Motherwort Herb
Leonuri Herba
Medicinal Group Blood-activating menstruation regulating medicinal

Dried aerial part of Leonurus japaonicus Houtt. (Fam. Labiatae)

Nature and Flavors pungent, bitter; slightly cold
Meridian Affinity Liver, Heart

To regulate menstruation by activate blood, and induce urination



Part used

Aerial part


Menstrual disorders, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, incessant drippling of lochia; edema and oliguria such as edema in acute nephritis

Research Findings

  • Pharmacological studies have confirmed motherwort’s antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity, as well as its effects on the heart and the circulatory system.[1]
  • Recent studies have shown that several active components of Herba Leonuri exert beneficial effects in coronary artery disease and cerebral ischaemia.[2]
  • It is safe and efficacious that combined use of motherwort injection and oxytocin was to prevent postpartum hemorrhage during or after caesarian section.[3]
  • Herba leonuri has been demonstrated to have beneficial effects on ischemic diseases including myocardial infarction. [4]


Contraindicated in pregnancy

Report on adverse effect

Weakness, paralysis, sweating, low blood pressure, rapid breathing, low back pain, hematuria, abortion, uterine blood [5]

Redness of the skin, chest tightness, palpitation [6]

Abdominal pain and diarrhea [7, 8]

May lead to renal injury [9]



  1. Wojtyniak K, Szymański M, Matławska I. (2013). Leonurus cardiaca L. (motherwort): a review of its phytochemistry and pharmacology. Phytother Res. , 27(8):1115-20. doi: 10.1002/ptr.4850. Epub 2012 Oct 8.
  2. Liu XH, Pan LL, Zhu YZ. (2012). Active chemical compounds of traditional Chinese medicine Herba Leonuri: implications for cardiovascular diseases. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. , 39(3):274-82. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1681.2011.05630.x.
  3. Lin JH, Lin QD, Liu XH, Yan JY, He J, Li L, Gu H, Sun LZ, Zhang JP, Yu S, Ma YY, Niu JM, Xia Y, Zhao SC, Li W, Wang HL, Wang BS. ( 2009). Multi-center study of motherwort injection to prevent postpartum hemorrhage after caesarian section. Zhonghua Fu Chan Ke Za Zhi. , 44(3):175-8.
  4. Liu XH, Xin H, Zhu YZ. ( 2007). More than a "mother-benefiting" herb: cardioprotective effect of Herba leonuri. Sheng Li Xue Bao. , 59(5):578-84.
  5. 張耀庭 (1999)。<中西醫結合治療益母草中毒18例報導>。黑龍江中醫藥,6。
  6. 陸學婭 (1995)。<口服益母草流浸膏出現過敏反應1例>。中國中藥雜誌,12。
  7. 丁春麗 (2001)。<服益母草膏出現腹瀉1例>。中國中藥雜誌,1。
  8. 林樹松 (2001)。<口服益母草引起產後精神病人腹痛32例>。海峽藥學,4。
  9. 俞捷、王璟、趙榮華、包照日格圖、蔡少青 (2010)。<益母草腎臟不良反應研究進展>。中國中藥雜誌,9。

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