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Corydalis Rhizoma
Medicinal Group Blood-activating analgesic medicinal

Dried tuber of Cordalis yanhusuo W.T. Wang (Fam. Papaveraceae)

Nature and Flavors pungent, bitter; warm
Meridian Affinity Liver, Spleen

To activate blood and promote circulation qi and relieve pain



Part used

Root and Rhizome


Chest pain, epigastric pain; amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, blood stasis after childbirth; traumatic swelling and pain

Research Findings

  • Corydalis yanhusuo and Angelicae dahuricae may have a potential clinical value for treating mild to moderate pain. [1]
  • Chinese medicine (include Corydalis Yanhusuo) showed favorable effect on the treatment of reflex sympathetic dystrophy with type of stagnation of vital energy and blood stasis. [2]


No Data.

Report on adverse effect

Larger doses can cause drowsiness, dizziness, abdominal distension [3]



  1. Yuan CS, Mehendale SR, Wang CZ, Aung HH, Jiang T, Guan X, Shoyama Y. ( 2004). Effects of Corydalis yanhusuo and Angelicae dahuricae on cold pressor-induced pain in humans: a controlled trial. J Clin Pharmacol. , 44(11):1323-7.
  2. Xu RS, Zong XH, Li XG. (2009). Controlled clinical trials of therapeutic effects of Chinese herbs promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis on the treatment of reflex sympathetic dystrophy with type of stagnation of vital energy and blood stasis. Zhongguo Gu Shang , 22(12):920-2.
  3. 馬勝興、錢振淮、陳可冀、郭士魁 (1984)。<延胡索治療心律失常的臨床觀察>。 北京醫學,3。

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