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Ephedrae Herba
药性分类 发散风寒药

麻黄科植物草麻黄Ephedra sinica Stapf、中麻黄Ephedra intermedia Schrenk et C.A.Mey.或木贼麻黄Ephedra equisetina的干燥草质茎

性味 辛、微苦;温
归经 肺、膀胱








中枢神经系统和心血管不良反应 [1,2],心悸风险增加,精神,植物神经和胃肠道不良反应 [3],麻黄或麻黄碱配合咖啡因增加心脏毒性 [4],高血压 [1]

大剂量麻黄可导致神经紧张,头痛,失眠,头晕,心悸,皮肤潮红及发麻,呕吐持续长时间使用的口服制剂可能会导致依赖性 [5]

长期连续 (3日) 外用麻黄制剂,用于鼻塞的治疗,可能会引起反弹充血和慢性鼻炎 [6]


Haller CA, Benowitz NL (2001) Adverse cardiovascular and central nervous system events associated with dietary supplements containing ephedra alkaloids. ACC Current Journal Review, 10, 3, 25-26.

Morgenstern LB, Viscoli CM, Kernan WN, Brass LM, Broderick JP, Feldmann E, Wilterdink JL, Brott T, Horwitz RI (2003) Use of Ephedra- containing products and risk for hemorrhagic stroke. Neurology, 60, 1, 132-135.

Shekelle PG, Hardy ML, Morton SC, Maglione M, Mojica WA, Suttorp MJ, Rhodes SL, Jungvig L, Gagné J. Efficacy and safety of ephedra and ephedrine for weight loss and athletic performance. JAMA 2003; 289: 1537–1545.

Dunnick JK, Kissling G, Gerken DK, Vallant MA, Nyska A (2007) Cardiotoxicity of Ma Huang/ caffeine or ephedrine/ caffeine in a rodent model system. Toxicol.Pathol., 35, 5, 657-664.

German Commission E Monograph, Ephedrae herba. Bundesanzeiger, 1991, 11:17 January.

Handbook of non-prescription drugs, 8th ed. Washington, DC, American Pharmaceutical Association, 1986

Pittler MH, Schmidt K, Ernst E (2005) Adverse events of herbal food supplements for body weight reduction: systematic review. OBESITY REVIEWS, 6, 2, 93-111.

Anonymous (2001) Dietary supplements research highlights. The Lancet, 358, 9293, 1655-1655.

Haller CA (2006) Clinical approach to adverse events and interactions related to herbal and dietary supplements, 44, 5, 605-610.

Kim H-, Park J-, Kim J-, Ko B- (2008) Effect of herbal Ephedra sinica and Evodia rutaecarpa on body composition and resting metabolic rate: A randomized, double-blind clinical trial in Korean premenopausal women. JAMS Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian S

Pipe A (2004) Efficacy and safety of ephedra and ephedrine for weight loss and athletic performance. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 14, 3, 188-189.

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