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Senna Leaf
Sennae Folium
Medicinal Group Induce catharsis medicinal
Source Dried leaflet of Cassia angustifolia Vahl or Cassia acutfolia Delile (Fam. Leguminosae)
Nature and Flavors sweet, bitter; cold
Meridian Affinity Large intestine
Actions To purge heat, relax the bowels and induce urination



Part used



Accumulation of heat marked by constipation and abdominal pain; edema


Use with caution in pregnancy

Report on adverse effect

A single case of hepatitis has been described after chronic abuse [1]

Weakness and orthostatic hypotension may be exacerbated in elderly patients when stimulant laxatives are repeatedly used [2, 3]

Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting [4]


Beuers U, Spengler U, Pape GR. Hepatitis after chronic abuse of Senna. Lancet, 1991, 337:472.

Core-SPC for Sennae Folium. Coordinated review of monographs on herbal remedies. Brussels, European Commission, 1994.

Martindale, the extra pharmacopoeia, 30th ed. London, Pharmaceutical Press, 1993.

陳興蓮、馬永輝、洪玉芬 (2013)。<芒硝與番瀉葉清潔腸道的不良反應及效果比較>。新疆中醫藥,2。

張勇阜 (1997)。<番瀉葉嚴重副反應19例報告>。江蘇中醫,11。

凡舉兵 (2001)。<對緩解番瀉葉引起腹痛的探討>。化工勞動保護,8。

牛俊華、仇明雲、趙小平、陳慧娟 (2002)。<18例長期服用番瀉葉致依賴性分析>。現代中西醫結合雜誌,11。

楊玉福 (1992)。<21例長期服用番瀉葉致依賴性報告>。中國中藥雜誌,3。

0 Medicines in comparison