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Sodium Sulfate
Natrii Sulfas
Medicinal Group Induce catharsis medicinal
Source Crystalline substance purified from a mineral of sulfates of Glauber's salts group, containing mainly hydrated sodium sulfate (Na2SO4‧10H2O)
Nature and Flavors salty, bitter; cold
Meridian Affinity Stomach, Large intestine
Actions To purge heat and relax the bowels, and remove fire and cause subsidence of swelling


Sulfates salts

Part used



Constipation and abdominal pain caused by excessive heat; appendicitis. External use: Mastitis; painful swollen hemorrhoids


Contraindicated in pregnancy. Incompatible with Rhizoma Sparganii

Report on adverse effect

Abdominal pain and nausea [​​1]


陳興蓮、馬永輝、洪玉芬 (2013)。<芒硝與番瀉葉清潔腸道的不良反應及效果比較>。新疆中醫藥,2。

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